Los Osos makes top 10 list for best Coastal Towns in US

USA Today named us #8 in the country.

““Los Osos, California seems to have it all,” says 10Best Local Expert Sherel Purcell. “Small sophisticated restaurants and coffee shops sit on the quiet seaside that offers the best views of the Morro Bay rock that appears to rise out of the sea to the north. A hillside golf course overlooks a sleepy bay and the beautiful Montaña De Ora State Park.”

(We know it was an outsider writing this because they used good Spanish but not local knowledge because it’s Montana de Oro. :D)

Coastal Commission Issues Report on Housing Inequity

This report has been developed as a companion to the Commission’s 2015 Report on Coastal Act Affordable Housing Policies and Implementation. It builds on the context established in the 2015 Report, with a specific focus on the history of exclusionary housing practices and policies in California that contribute to the current lack of affordable housing in the Coastal zone and related socioeconomic and racial disparities. Staff recommends that readers consult the Commission’s 2015 Report prior to engaging with this document: https://documents.coastal.ca.gov/reports/2015/2/w6a-2-2015.pdf.

Addressing modern housing inequities in the coastal zone requires recognition and understanding of the history of intentional exclusion and marginalization that occurred across the country. In California, and in the coastal zone specifically, the housing and economic policies and practices that disenfranchised communities of color in other parts of the U.S. were successfully and broadly employed. These past policies and practices
shaped the racial and socioeconomic landscape of the coast today.
The purpose of this report was to discuss some of the key tactics used by both
government and private industry to maintain racial and socioeconomic homogeneity in communities across the country and to summarize how these practices manifested in coastal California. Although many of the housing policies and land use practices described here have been declared unconstitutional or are no longer enforced, the impacts of decades of discrimination remain. Restrictive covenants, discriminatory deeds, exclusionary zoning, and redlining all contributed to a system that limits access
to the residential, economic, and recreational benefits of the coast for disadvantaged communities. This occurred through the explicit removal and displacement of people of color and low-income communities from their homes along the coast, through racially motivated housing policies that made it impossible for communities of color to purchase homes near the coast, and through intimidation methods that made coastal neighborhoods unsafe and unwelcoming. Additionally, the federal government limited economic opportunities for disadvantaged communities in the coastal zone by restricting
funding, loan availability, and mortgage programs.

Vacation Rental Ordinance Update

Congratulations to all of you who have worked so hard to create and support the Los Osos Vacation Rental Ordinance! It is finally on its way into the books!

On June 7th, the Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the modifications made to the Ordinance by the California Coastal Commission and it is now on its way back to the Commission for their official certification. It has been approved by all parties and will become law

2022 Election Results and Opportunities

Election information!

The results of the May 7, 2022 Election of LOCAC are:
District 1 – Patrick McGibney

District 2 – Kristen Horowitz

Filling Vacant Seats

There has been a nominating committee which has come up with the criteria for candidates who wish to fill the following appointed seats:

District 3 – 4 year term
District 4 – 4 year term
District 1 – 1 year term to fill the vacancy
District 2 – 3 year term to fill the vacancy

Please READ the Nominating Process-5 * for filling the seats listed above.

To apply:

Write a CANDIDATE STATEMENT, submit that (see email address in the above linked document) along with your SIGNED copies of the documents below:
Signature Page Conditions of Service– Appointed Members
Signature Page_ Standards 1-28-21
*NOTE – this document has been AMENDED and was re-posted on Monday, May 23.

2022 Election Information

LOCAC is holding an election for council seats this year.
The election will be held
Saturday, May 7,  from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
at the
Los Osos/Baywood Park Chamber of Commerce parking lot,
781 Los Osos Valley Road, (corner of Palisades) Los Osos.

If you are planning to vote on Saturday, please bring identification so that we can verify your age and residency for the district in which you are voting. 

Any questions and for absentee ballots, please contact: trishbartel00@gmail.com

DISTRICT 1 — three candidates for one seat on District 1. There are two open seats, but one member left early, and that seat will be filled by an appointee for one year.
Patrick Kimbell Letter.docx

      McGibney-Candidate letter


DISTRICT 2 — two candidates for one seat
TomC Application SignedTomC Conditions_of_Service SignedTomC Candidate statement.

Signature Page_ Standards 1-28-21-2

There were no candidates for Districts 3 and 4.

Disbanding of the Unhoused Residents’ Committee

The Unhoused Residents Committee is no longer in effect as of SEPTEMBER 8, 2021. The Council will continue to get updates from organizations and agencies about the situation on Palisades to report back to the community at monthly Council meetings. 

The former subcommittee for LOCAC on the unhoused residents of Los Osos was voted to be a standing, permanent committee on January 28, 2021.

The Mission Statement was:
The Unhoused Residents Subcommittee will collaborate with County agencies, non-profit organizations, community groups and residents in order to address homelessness in Los Osos. 

The committee will seek to identify needs in order to facilitate both immediate solutions and services while also developing ideas and action steps for long term solutions, while hearing and considering community concerns.

Committee members were: Sandra Sarrouf, Jim Stanfill and James Bishop, all Co-Chairpersons and all from LOCAC; LOCAC member Yael Korin; and 4 public members, Rev. Carolyn Hall, Linde Owen, Lannie Erikson, and Paul Hershfield.

The first Meeting was held on Wednesday, November 4, 11:30 a.m. Recording of the meetings are linked below. For now, for Google Drive meetings, you will need to request access if you do not already

To Public Agencies in San Luis Obispo County:

Dear Partner:

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service seeks public comment on a draft habitat conservation plan (HCP) and environmental assessment for operation and maintenance of existing Southern California Gas Company pipelines in San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles, and San Bernardino counties. 

The draft HCP is a planning document that promotes the conservation of 41 federally endangered, threatened or rare plant and animal species, while providing for continued operation and maintenance of existing pipelines across 10,603 square miles in southern and central California. 

Through this collaborative approach, SoCalGas will commit to carrying out conservation measures that minimize and offset potential impacts of operation and maintenance activities on rare animal and plant species, including the California tiger salamander, California red-legged frog, Least Bell’s vireo, San Bernardino kangaroo rat, San Joaquin kit fox, and Braunton’s milk-vetch. 

A notice of availability will publish in the Federal Register on June 19, 2020, opening a 45-day public comment period.Information on how to submit comments will be available at https://www.federalregister.gov/ by searching under docket number FWS–R8–ES–2019–N150.

Working with others is essential to protecting ecosystems that benefit society as a whole. The Service regularly engages conservation partners, the public, landowners, government agencies, and other stakeholders in our ongoing effort to identify innovative strategies for conserving and recovering protected wildlife, plants, and their habitats.

Please contact me with questions at Rachel_henry@fws.gov

Rachel Henry

Habitat Conservation Plan Coordinator

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office

2493 Portola Road, Suite B | Ventura, California 93003

Phone: 805.677.3312 | rachel_henry@fws.gov

FacebookVentura Fish & Wildlife OfficeU.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

PLEASE NOTE: Our office telephone numbers have changed. You may still reach our general number at (805) 644-1766 or you may contact me directly at (805) 677-3312.

Comment on the Los Osos Community Plan

The water-related planning documents for Los Osos are now available for public review and all comments must be in to the County by June 26,2020.

Please email questions and comments to Kylie Hensley at khensley@co.slo.ca.us by June 26, 2020. 


The tentative board hearing date is now AUGUST 11, not July 7.